How Multiplication of Any 2 Digit Numbers
Now we will learn to multiply any two 2 digit number by any 2 digit number for which the sutra ” Urdhava Tiryagbha ” is applicable. This Sutra means ” Vertically and crosswise”.
Example – :Multiplication 24 × 53Â
Step – 1: Set the numbers one below the other.Â
Step – 2 :Â Multiply the right most digits. The product forms the right hand most part of the answer.Â
×   ↓Multiply   53 |
       / ( 4× 3)
/Â Â Â 12 |
Step – 3 : Carry out a cross multiplication between the numbers as shown and add them.
Step – 4 :Â Multiply the L H S most digit. The product formed forms the left most part of the answer.
Step – 5 : We have to retain one digit at each of the three locations. So we put down the right hand most digit. The preceding left hand side digit should be carried over to the left.Â
ANSWER : 1272
Symbolically, the process is represented as follow:
Example -2: Multiply 76 by 28
ANSWER : 2128
Example – 3 : Multiply 43 by 76
ANSWER : 3268
Example – 4 : Multiply 52 by 37
ANSWER : 1924