Multiplication of Single Digit Numbers Lesser than the Base.
Let us start with Multiply of How to multiply Single Digit Numbers using “Nikhilam Sutra” This Sutra is applied in the multiplication of numbers nearer to bases like 10, 100, 1000, 10000 …
In Vedic Maths, Multiplication of two numbers can be done by two main
- Nikhilam Sutra
- Urdhva Sutra(Using a base of 10) (Both numbers are lower than the base)
Example – 1 : Multiply 7 by 8.
Step – 1 : Take the nearest power of 10, to these numbers. Powers of 10 are 10, 100, 1000, 10000..
Thus nearest power of 10 to the numbers 7 and 8 is 10. So, we take 10 as our base.
Step 2: Write the numbers one below the other.
Step-3: Subtract each of them from 10.
Write down the answer obtained as difference on the right side with a (-) to show that the numbers are less than 10.
Step 4: The product will have two parts: One on the left side and the other on the right side. Draw a slant line (slash) (/) to demarcate the two parts. Multiply the difference. The product is the Right Hand Side part of the answer.
Step-5: The Left Hand Side of the answer is obtained by cross wise addition, i.e. given number and the difference as  howns:  Â
     ANSWER= 56
        ANSWER = 312
Example – 2 : 6×7
In above case we notice that: Our base is 10. The vertical multiplication gives us 12. So the Right Hand Side of the answer must have only one digit. So we keep the units digit. and carry over the tens digit to the Left Hand Side and add.