Multiplication 3Digit No Best Tricks

How to Multiplication of Three Digit Numbers Lesser than the Base

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In the previous chapter, we used Nikhilam technique to multiply two digit numbers.

We will use the same technique in this chapter to multiply  3 digit numbers near 1000.

                     ( Using a base of 1000) 

( Both numbers are lower than the Base ) 

Multiplication : – 994 by 896

Step-1: Take the nearest power of 10, to these numbers.

Powers of 10 are 10,100,1000,10000… Thus nearest power of 10 to the numbers 994 and 896 is 1000. So we take 1000 as our base.

Step – 2 : Write the numbers one below the other.


Step – 3 : Subtract each of them from the base 1000. Write down the answer obtained as difference on the right side with a (- ) sign to show that the numbers are less than 1000.

Difference 994 6

Step – 4 : The product will have two parts: One on the left side and the other on the right. 

 Draw a slant line ( slash ) (/) to demarcate the two pats. multiply difference. The product is the Right Hand Side part of the answer.

994 6 Multiply 896 104 e1666439841804

Step – 5: The Left Hand Side of the answer can be obtained by crosswise addition, i.e. given number and the difference.

994 6 896 104 896 6 624 890 624 e1666440338390


 994 6 896 104 994 104 624 890 624 e1666440664256

994 896 890624

Answer : 890624

Multiplication : –  998 ×994 

998 2 994 6 998 6 012 992 012 e1666440891900

Note : If Right Hand Side contains less Number of digits then the number of zeroes in base number, ( i.e.1000) then, the remaining digits are filled with Zero or Zeroes on the left side of the Right Hand Side number shown above.

Example – 3 : 877×986

A 14 877 14 1722 863 1 1722 e1666441367145

Answer : 864722

Note – : If the number of digits are more then the number of zeroes in the base number expect the unit digit, the excess digit from the left side  ( here it is 1) is to be added to Left Hand Side of the answer as shown above.



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